Though symptoms of Autism can range anywhere from moderate to severe, it is important to keep in mind that it is not a fatal disorder. Individuals suffering from Autism can still lead fairly normal lives.
As professionals, we are called to work with both the individual with the disorder as well as his or her family. When working with an individual who suffers from Autism, it is important to note to reinforce social behavior training in addition to any exercises to increase cognitive functioning. A social worker should work closely with any teachers, counselors, and/or speech therapists to ensure that the individual suffering from Autism receives the best care possible.
Most importantly though, it is essential to reinforce ideals of hope and perseverence in the client.
The following, is a video from a high school graduation where the speaker (class Saluditorian), is a young man suffering from Autism. If anything, this serves as an inspiration that even someone diagnosed with rather severe Autism can accomplish great things.
The video in this posting can be found at: